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Tuesday, April 29, 2008
#140th & #141 Moderately Strong &Variable Winds

Monday, April 28, 2008
#138 & #139
Friday, April 18, 2008
#136 & #137 Simms LZ
Sunday, April 13, 2008
#133 #134 #135 April 13, 2008

This was a "strange air" day, it wasn't really bumpy but the air had lots of cross currents. For instance I would be starting a relatively flat turn that would turn into a steeply banked downwind hook. The take off runs seemed to be longer than normal and I had to use a little brake on every flight to get off the ground. A couple of times I got into sinking air when I was inside the perimeter of the power lines and had to turn away to keep from frying myself.
The capper was the third flight when I came in for a low and slow fly-by. I floated over the LZ for about 75 feet and punched it to climb out. The engine had come up to about 8o% thrust when the motor died without a burp. I damped the surge and came down softly. One thing I have noticed about the 26 meter wing is that the landings are very easy to control. I look forward to seeing if I can do as well with the 28 m.
The problem with the motor turned out to be one of the three spade connectors that come out of the bottom of the starter housing. Fortunately the one that broke was a redundant ground wire so i was able to disengage the Master Kill circuit and route the ground to it's connector.
Friday, April 4, 2008
April 4th 2008 #131 #132 At Simms Lz
Marek and I met at Titan only to be met by the "Landowner" he has had a change of heart and we are no longer welcome. He had no complaints...there have been no problems...no major incidents or injuries. It's Just, " No Mo Fly Boys Allowed".
Rather than waste anymore of the evening trying to plead our case, we packed up and hustled over to the Simms LZ. It worked out well because Chip W and Dan K. were already there and looking at the sky. Chip was grounded because his wing was in the shop after an extended vacation in Hawaii. (poor guy). Worked out well because I was able to lend him my 28 and I flew the 26. My worries about how it would fly at 6000ft were groundless. It came up fast and flew even faster. I noticed a little longer run out but with a touch of break it climbs out nicely.
The most notable moment was when Marek was taking off . I was watching from about 80ft comming up from behind at his 8'oclock. Marek was starting his take-off run and 50 feet ahead of him Chip was getting ready to start. He popped some brake to lift off and almost immediatly began to drift back down, when he was alongside Chip his prop started cutting the grass and I saw a puff of dirt. Luckly he was able to stay airborne but the prop strike startled Chip who was just beginning his forward. I'm not exactly sure what happened but Chip ended up falling backward and going turtle while Marek managed to climbout and fly.
Mean while Dan cruised around all of us in his speedy little Spice.
I logged two good flights and one Touch and Go
It was a good day...