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Friday, June 25, 2010
Rush things and Pay the Piper
The wing came up crooked probably because a line got caught and instead of aborting like I should have, I tried to save it. The left tip caught a piece of steel fence post that was hidden in a patch of weeds and tore the wing pretty badly. The tip is torn and some panels are going to have to be replaced. I'll give the wing to Michelle at Bubba's and let her determine if it is worth repairing. I won't be surprised if she declares it dead because between Monte and I there are probably 350 to 400 hours on the wing. Maybe it's a good was time.
If I'd looked the area over better I would have seen the post and maybe set up differently. Doesn't matter... the wing is out for several weeks.
1. If I had used the motor to build a wall ... I think the lines would have been above the surface and I'd have had a good inflation.
2. I could have laid out the wing better
3. Don't rush it !
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Short and very bumpy morning flight.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
#420 Simms
I flew for an hour at Red Rocks Amphitheater and was headed back to the field. Even though it was 70 degrees on the ground I was getting chilled from flying in the shadows. And so...I'm hightailing east chasing the sun and there right in front of me was Chip who had just taken off. Well this was fun... we danced in the sky for the first time in a long while. I'm reminded of the time we were West of Chatfield and confronted by a News chopper. I turned tail and ran for cleaner air while Chip charged right at the chopper kind of like young Saint Bernard. Our flying styles haven't changed, tonight I was content to float above and take pictures while he put on a beautiful show above the lake. Lots of freeflight in that boy... nice smooth diving turns and hard banking spirals.
The sun set... I was cold and Mr. Lutke's CT Marvel was running on fumes. Time to go home! The landing was nice, there was just enough breeze to slow way down and when I touched , I could hardly feel it. Seriously nice... Chip stayed up till the approaching darkness forced him down. Typical free flight guy, he boated around the field for 5 minutes before setting up to land.
You meet the best people 500 feet above the earth!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Fathers Day Weekend Sun Simms #419

I did go east to Wadsworth and circle the big lake there. On the way home just to remind myself that things could be worse I flew to the prison. There were some people walking around the quad and I thanked god I wasn't one of them. I climbed to 8700 feet ASL and did a hard spiral over the prison. The Power Play Sting isn't a aerobatic wing but with enough pressure I was able to achieve the steepest dive ever. I dropped 3000 feet in short order and pulled out over the prison at 300 feet.
How cool to be able to land in your own back yard !
Chip's last flight of the day with a pal

Final approach
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Fathers Day Weekend Sat. 417 - 418

Marek does a foot drag on the swoop pond

Vance Brand is farmland flying. It's pretty but there are no elevation changes and the landmarks are all major x-county flights. I wasn't in the mood to get to far away from the patch so instead I worked on take off and landing and got in (4) 30 minutes flights. The best thing about this site is the nicely groomed field. It's as good as launching off of a golf course. There was just barely a hint of breeze and for the heck of it I did one launch and landing with the trimmers full out. It's a great feeling to keep off the brakes and see how fast you can go and still keep the wheels on the ground. When the machine does rotate I add power and watch her climb. Terry... I neglected to charge the batter on my GPS so I cannot document the climb rate but it was stunning! Landing with the trimmers out on a smooth field is also great fun. Hands up... till the very last second and then...with a nice smooth steady flare you can float at one or two feet for a long way while the energy is bled off, swapping speed for lift.

Monday, June 7, 2010
#415 & #416 Simms

Friday, June 4, 2010
#415 And I forgot my camera !