No Drama
1:08 Flight time
1755 max altitude
36 miles covered
Notes: The trim cams are slipping unless I pull the cam arm and "set" the trims. After landing I noticed that the left side was half out.
Falcon is grounded due to a broken weld at the top of the inner cage ring. Time to visit Mike Lange and perhaps talk to Terry about building a new airframe. The whipping knot held it together but I noticed that the broken welds were not far away from cutting the lines. I doubt it would have held for very long. It's a good looking knot but not good for this purpose. Perhaps, if I overlayed it with a second whip .....
Once again the wing overshot and crashed in front of the trike. Nice flight .... Wide ranging
Once again the wing overshot and crashed in front of the trike. Nice flight .... Wide ranging