Very nice morning flight! 145 isn't a magic number but it is the 100
th trike flight and two weeks short of a year since the El
Puerco Fly-in when I switched to wheels. I tried something a little different with set-up. Instead of laying the wing out in the butterfly configuration I used the thrust line to partially inflate the wing before I sat down. It pulls the risers all the way back to the cage but it's not hard to
separate the "A"s and get into position. The wing comes up fast and smooth and you need to use a little brake because it wants to overshoot... but I liked the feel of it and will try it again. Several of my last take-offs have been pretty ugly and I think it's because I'm rolling out at too high a speed. This morning wasn't too bad a launch but I was at take off speed very quickly and the first little bump wanted to pop me into the sky. It would be
easier to modulate speed on a smoother surface than this bumpy field but I know it will help if I can slow down...
stabilize the wing and then go to full throttle.
The air was smooth most of the flight. There was a little
turbulence approaching Red Rocks Park which
dissuaded me from trying to drop into the park and fly between the fins. I'll do it someday when I can launch at the crack of dawn and be well into the park while the air is dead still. Probably not a good place to fly after the rocks have been cooking in the sun all day. I can imagine cool air flowing down the Rockies mixing with the warm air rising from the rock.

Downtown Denver was shrouded with early morning humidity and I was even able to see
Chatfield off to the South.

After going west I turned to the east of the
LZ and flew over the School, Jail and Southwest Shopping Center.

It took awhile to descend from 2000 feet and I was surprise to encounter sinking air and bumps over the
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