I was out of the house by 4:30am and heading south with gloomy skies and a similar mindset. Massive losses and fraud have certainly proved that you cannot count on the future being as expected. BUT...As I cleared Raton Pass the clouds lifted and so did my spirits. I made great and was at Paramotor City by early afternoon. Keven Kelsey has staked me out a great tent site between two box trailers right on the flight line. Thanks Man ! First thing I did was give a big hug to Michelle who took my Eden and replaced the frayed "C" line. She told me to kite it and check that everything was alright. Good advice because the "C" was crossed under one of the "D's" and had to be restrung.
After walking the field and checking out the "Rio" Kevin and I hooked up with ?Doug? and went to the casino for an early dinner at Johnny Rockets. Doug is a aircraft accident investigator with many decades of experience and Keven has been around aviation most of his life so they had lots in common and plenty of good stories. I was more than happy to sit and soak it up.

The winds were strong but came down nicely about 30 minutes before sunset. I launched without trouble and did a nice 45 minute exploratory flight. Amazing that I had flown here two years ago with the Simonini Buggy and didn't get the lay of the land. The Rio Puerco twists North to South through the basin on either side of Paramotor City. There is a great RC airport North West which is off limits and a housing development to stay clear of but other than that it's pretty much free air. The light was great so I took a few pictures and landed.

After packing up I discovered that the Route 66 guys had put together a pot luck with Pizza and various goodies. I regretted the earlier burger because they were certainly eating better than we did.
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