T-Shirt weather!

The low pressure has passed and we are in for 2 or 3 days of dry high pressure weather. Olivia and I headed out at 6:30pm. Perfect conditions ...warm, light breeze, not a cloud in the sky.
Marek arrived just after us and was ready to fly in 2 minutes. Unfortunately he hooked a line on a camera mount and it went into his prop, breaking the line. I launched a few minutes later and had a great flight. The air was butter smooth, I went to 500 feet and did gentle wing overs until the sun went behind the mountain and then I climbed another 500 feet to meet the sun. At 1500 feet AGL I said goodbye to the sun for the last time I turned on the strobes and spent the rest of the flight in a very slow decent watching football practice at the high school and Olivia goofing around the truck.

Funny..It's almost the end of August and this was my first evening flight of the season. The days are changing and I think afternoons are going to take over the dawn during the next couple of weeks.
Today I put Slime in all three tires. Wednsday morning's flight was good but the hogs head thorns are all over Dick's. If it doesn't work I'll have Spadels do me a set of Poly tubes.
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